The Florida Arborist Newsletter is just one of several benefits of membership in the Florida Chapter. To get Florida Arborist join the Florida Chapter by simply clicking on “Become a Member” and follow the links to join ISA… but be sure to also join the Florida Chapter!

Want to try your hand at writing an article? The Florida Chapter encourages its members to contribute tree related articles for use in the Florida Arborist newsletter. Articles should be sent via email to Norm Easey at MS Word format is preferred.

Florida Arborist (Published Quarterly)

Advertising Rates

Full Page (9 ¾ x 7 3/8) ……………$250/issue
Half Page (7 3/8 x 4 ¾)……………$200/issue
Quarter Page 4 ¾ x 3 5/8)….……$150/issue
Business Card (3 5/8 x 2)………….$75/issue

Below rates are for purchase of 4 consecutive issues
Full Page (9 ¾ x 7 3/8) ……………$200/issue
Half Page (7 3/8 x 4 ¾)……………$150/issue
Quarter Page 4 ¾ x 3 5/8)…………$100/issue
Business Card (3 5/8 x 2)………$50/issue

All ads now include a link to your website!
Additional links are $25/issue

Advertising Due Dates
Spring Issue…..…January 15
Summer Issue……April 15
Fall Issue…………July 15
Winter Issue….….October 15

Target Email Dates

Spring Issue……………February 15
Summer Issue…………May 15
Fall Issue…………….…August 15
Winter Issue……..……November 15

*Circulation as of November 2009 – 1487

Florida Chapter ISA, Inc.
7853 S. Leewynn Court
Sarasota FL 34240
Phone 941-342-0153 – fax 941-342-0463