Florida ISA Mission Statement: Promote the scientifically based practice of arboriculture through research, education and public awareness.
Florida ISA – Strategic Goals
Florida Chapter ISA Strategic Goals
Adopted June 2013
Strategic Goal #1: To Implement Best Practices in Administrative and Governance Practices
- Develop a Financial Manual of Policies and Procedures – Done
- Begin the process of risk and liabilities review (insurance, etc.) – This item is scheduled to be done prior to our 2014 renewal period
- Develop a policy on document retention and destruction – Done – Chapter Policy FL-013
- Begin the process of documentation retention and destruction – Done – Ongoing
- Develop an Employee Manual of Policies and Procedures – To be written by staff and Bonnie in 2013/2014
- Develop a Manual of Organizational Chapter Summary of Tasks – to be written by staff and Bonnie in 2013/2014
- Develop a Volunteer Manual of Policies and Procedures – Looking for model to pattern
- Develop a Continuity of Operation Plan (COOP) – Sign COOP with another Chapter or Intl’
- Develop a Board Member List of Responsibilities and Duties – To be written by staff and bonnie in 2013/2014
- Implement an Annual Meeting of the Board with specific tasks to be achieved at meeting – Discuss with Board for how and when they wish to accomplish this
Strategic Goal #2. To Develop a Plan for Fund Development
2.1 Define the role of the newly developed Past President’s Committee – Ask PPC to Develop a Program or Plan for their committee
Strategic Goal #3. To Develop a Greater Connectivity to the Community (within and outside of arboriculture) to Increase awareness of arboriculture and FL ISA
3.1 Continue statewide service project and/or statewide day of service
Strategic Goal #4: To Increase Effective Communication
- Continue Surveying members to determine the best, most effective way to reach them (i.e., newsletter, Facebook, etc.) – Refer item to Membership Committee for execution
- Survey members quarterly regarding various topics to get their input – Refer item to Membership Committee for execution
- Simplify E-Tree News – Done
- Continue post seminar effectiveness surveys
- Establish a LinkedIn group – Done
- Develop a FL Chapter brochure – Refer item to Membership committee for execution; Membership Committee should coordinate effort with Past Presidents Committee
- Develop an annual report to our members – To be completed by staff at end of each Fiscal Year